Most Feminized Males Go Through a Transformation

Some of the sexiest feminized males in this world are the ones that go through a full transformation before heading out on the town. Now this might not be something that every guy can or is willing to go through, but the more time that is involved in creating this female persona the easier it is for them to let go of their manliness and start to really have some fun. Again there are guys that simply can't put this much effort into making something like this happen and that is perfectly fine since they can make what they have work for them rather easily. But if you really want to know what it is like to have the full on feminized male’s attitude than you have to at least take a look into what the transformation could hold for you. If you don’t think it is something that you can go through than you can always try something different but at least you gave it a shot.

Feminized Male

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become a feminized male? It is more common than you might think. Men are not born equal when it comes to what they are going to be later in life, and that includes dealing with feelings of being in the wrong body. These men start noticing early in life that they are a bit different from their friends. They might even tend to gravitate to hanging out with females in favor of their male friends. These guys just feel that something is not right with them. After all, everyone is raised to have a certain lifestyle and, while more consciousness has arisen on this topic, there is still much of the world’s population who tend to feel that males should even want to be feminized. Yet, for others, becoming feminized, even if only for a little while, can help them to gradually begin to come out more and more.


Men's vagina
male chastity
Feminized male

About Us

We are Feminized Males

It is most likely that if you found this site you already know what Feminized Males are but if you are still not sure I will tell you. This site is about us and other men like us including men that have yet to fully give reality to what they feel. This is not about sexuality because many Feminized Males are gay, straight or Bi. We are just like you but we are in with our feminine self. This site deals the act of feminizing the penis, reshaping it so you can feel an extreme sense of being female. This is not about being transgender though many transgender people use these styles when they are pre-op. We want to inform  Feminized Males everywhere of their choices, what products are available to reach the goals they have set for themselves. The products we will be reviewing are products we use and understand ourselves. We hope you find this site helpful for the journey ahead.